GRI Standards Content | Verification | Page |
Description | 2019 Statement |
GRI 102: General Content | ||||
1. Organizational Profile 2016 | ||||
102-1 | 100 | Name of the organization | About this Report | |
102-2 | 7, 20, 64 | Activities, brands, products, and services | Banorte at a Glance, Strategy and Business Model, Social Capital | |
102-3 | 102 | Location of the organization’s headquarters | Contact | |
102-4 | 4, 42 | Number of countries operating | Banorte at a Glance, Technology and Infrastructure Capital | |
102-5 | 100 | Nature of ownership and legal form | About this report | |
102-6 | 7, 20, 64 | Markets served | Banorte at a Glance, Strategy and Business Model, Social Capital | |
102-7 | 20, 64 | Scale of the reporting organization | Strategy and Business Model, Social Capital | |
102-8 | 46 | Information on employees and other workers | Human Capital | |
102-9 | 65 | Supply chain | Social Capital | |
102-10 | 2 | Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain | Message from the Chairman of the Board and CEO | |
102-11 | - | Precautionary Principle or approach | GRI Content Index. We have no studies on environmental risks and impacts of new investments or products; however, measures were taken in the construction of new branches to mitigate the impact on the environment, such as:
102-12 | 34 | External initiatives | Financial Capital | |
102-13 | 72 | Memberships in associations | Sustainability | |
2. Strategy 2016 | ||||
102-14 | 2 | Statement from senior decision-maker | Message from the Chairman of the Board and CEO | |
102-15 | 2, 38 | Key impacts, risks, and opportunities | Message from the Chairman of the Board and CEO, Technology and Infrastructure Capital | |
3. Ethics and Integrity 2016 | ||||
102-16 | 6, 48 | Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior | Banorte at a Glance, Human Capital For more about our Code of Conduct, visit: |
102-17 | 48 | Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics | Human Capital | |
4. Governance 2016 | ||||
102-18 | 9 | Governance structure | Banorte at a Glance | |
102-19 | 72 | Delegation of authority | Sustainability | |
102-20 | 9, 72 | Executive-level responsibility for economic, environmental and social topics. | Banorte at a Glance, Sustainability | |
102-21 | 72 | Consulting stakeholders on economic, environmental, and social topics. | Banorte at a Glance, Sustainability | |
102-22 | 9 | Composition of the highest governance body and its committees | Banorte at a Glance | |
102-23 | 9 | Chair of the highest governance body | Banorte at a Glance | |
102-24 | 9 | Nomination and selection the highest governance body | Banorte at a GlanceSee: | |
102-25 | - | Conflicts of interest | Extract from the Code of Conduct:Board members, officers and employees should at all times avoid actions that counteract or seem to counteract the legitimate interests of GFNorte. They should be especially careful in assessing the likelihood of a conflict of interest in business or personal relationships with customers, suppliers, associates, employees or competitors (including Board Members, officers and employees) of GFNorte. Any GFNorte Board member, officer or employee who has direct or indirect knowledge of an irregular act, conflict of interest or non-compliance with regulations that may constitute or lead to damage or destruction to GFNorte, or constitute non-compliance with any of the principles of this Code of Conduct, must report it with all due discretion, to the Deputy General Comptroller, and/or to the Executive Department of Audit, Bank and Subsidiary Operations or through the Ethic Points system and /or electronic channels established in the institution. A set of rules were established to facilitate a better understanding of the objective, scope, assessment and mandatory compliance which can be found at:In addition to the foregoing, and in accordance with Articles 64, 64 Bis and 64 Bis 1 and the General Rules for Financial Groups and their financial entities, financial institutions must avoid conflicts of interest between them and their respective business units. The Audit and Corporate Practices Committees of the financial institutions, where appropriate, shall implement a system to prevent conflicts of interest and shall ensure at all times that functions in a manner consistent with the strategies and goals of these financial institutions, taking preventive and corrective measures to remedy any deficiency detected within a reasonable time, addressing the characteristics of such measures. GFNorte limits itself to reporting on conflicts of interest; these are addressed internally. | |
102-26 | 9 | Role of highest governance body in setting purpose, values, and strategy. | Banorte at a Glance | |
102-27 | 9 | Collective knowledge of highest governance body | Sustainability | |
102-28 | 9 | Evaluating the highest governance body’s performance | Banorte at a Glance | |
102-29 | 9, 72 | Identifying and managing economic, environmental, and social impacts. | Banorte at a Glance, Sustainability | |
102-30 | 9, 38, 72 | Effectiveness of risk management processes | Banorte at a Glance, Technology and Infrastructure Capital, Sustainability | |
102-31 | - | Review of economic, environmental, and social impacts. | During the various meetings of the Board of Directors, subject to availability in the agenda, a space is assigned to review and manage economic, social and environmental impacts, risks and opportunities | |
102-32 | - | Highest governance body’s role in sustainability reporting | The Executive Department of Investor Relations have approved the 2019 Annual Report of Grupo Financiero Banorte | |
102-33 | 48 | Communicating critical concerns | Human Capital
Grupo Financiero Banorte S.A.B. de C.V. is publicly-traded financial institution listed on the Bolsa Mexicana de Valores, as well as in various international exchanges. By virtue of this listing, shareholders or interested third parties must be notified of all critical events. GFNorte has established a procedure to notify these institutions of relevant events related to the same. For more information visit: |
102-34 | 48 | Nature and total number of critical concerns | Human Capital | |
102-35 | 9 | Remuneration policies | Banorte at a Glance | |
102-36 | 9 | Process for determining remuneration | Banorte at a Glance | |
102-37 | - | Stakeholders’ involvement in remuneration | In keeping with its faculties, the Nominations Committee hired a specialized firm to conduct a study of the compensation paid to board members in Mexico and internationally, and within the financial services industry, to be used in determining the proposal on GFNorte board member compensation proposal, which will be presented to the General Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting for its approval. | |
102-38 | 30 | Annual total compensation ratio | Human Capital | |
102-39 | 30 | Percentage increase in annual total compensation ratio | Human Capital | |
5. Stakeholder Engagement 2016 | ||||
102-40 | 16 | List of stakeholder groups | Banorte at a Glance | |
102-41 | - | Collective bargaining agreements | Our employees have freedom of assembling | |
102-42 | 16 | Identifying and selecting stakeholders | Banorte at a Glance | |
102-43 | 16 | Approach to stakeholder engagement | Banorte at a Glance | |
102-44 | - | Key topics and concerns raised | Banorte at a Glance | |
6. Reporting Practices 2016 | ||||
102-45 | 100 | Entities included in the consolidated financial statements | About this report | |
102-46 | 16, 72 | Defining report content and topic Boundaries | Banorte at a Glance, SustainabilityMateriality and sustainability context are found in our sustainability model. Inclusion of stakeholders: through this report we respond to material topics to every stakeholder group.Comprehensiveness: the scope of this report includes all of Grupo Financiero Banorte. | |
102-47 | 17, 72 | List of material topics | Banorte at a Glance, Sustainability | |
102-48 | 100 | Restatements of information | About this reportAs of this year, the information on Human Capital is presented with consolidated data for GFNorte. In previous years it was presented separately by Banking and Insurance and Pensions. | |
102-49 | 100 | Changes in reporting with respect to the periods covered by prior reports in the list of material issues and coverage of those issues | About this reportAs of this year, the information on Human Capital is presented with consolidated data for GFNorte. In previous years it was presented separately by Banking and Insurance and Pensions. | |
102-50 | 100 | Reporting Period | About this report | |
102-51 | 100 | Date of most recent report | About this report | |
102-52 | 100 | Reporting cycle | About this report | |
102-53 | 102 | Contact point for questions regarding the report | Contact | |
102-54 | 100 | Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards | About this report | |
102-55 | 90 | GRI content index | GRI Content Index | |
102-56 | 100 | External assurance | About this report | |
103-1 | 7, 34, 38, 54, 56, 80 | Explanation of material issues and their coverage. | Banorte at a Glance, Financial Capital, Human Capital, Intellectual Capital, Technology and Infrastructure Capital, Sustainability.Through our Specialized Department of Sustainability and Responsible Investment, we establish structures, principles and guidelines for the planning, organizing, executing, monitoring, controlling and continuously improving social initiatives intended to meet sustainable development goals, in which various stakeholders actively participate. For this reason, our social and environmental policies are part of established corporate regulations for acting in an ethical, equitable and impartial manner in circumstances involving sustainability issues so as to inspire confidence among stakeholders involved with Grupo Financiero Banorte and its operations, thus improving business performance, products and services while positioning the company as an institution committed to Mexico. | |
103-2 | 7, 34, 38, 54, 56, 80 | Management approach and its components | Banorte at a Glance, Financial Capital, Human Capital, Intellectual Capital, Technology and Infrastructure Capital, Sustainability | |
103-3 | 7, 34, 38, 54, 56, 80 | Evaluation of management approach | At GFNorte we aim to publicize initiatives that respond to our material issues, as well as our assessment of management, following the International Integrated Reporting Council, IIRC guidelines. These initiatives can be seen in the following sections of the report:
GRI 200: Economic standards | ||||
GRI 201 Economic Performance 2016 | ||||
201-1 | 28, 34 | Direct economic value generated and distributed, including revenues, exploitation costs, employee compensation, donations and other investments in the community, undistributed benefits and benefits paid to capital suppliers and governments. | Financial Capital | |
201-2 | 34 | Financial implications and other risks and opportunities | Financial Capital | |
201-3 | 30 | Coverage of the organization’s defined benefit and other retirement plan obligations | Human Capital | |
201-4 | - | Financial assistance received from the government | In 2019 Banorte did not receive any assistance from the Government in in the form of tax rebates or credits, grants, royalties, or any other form of tax exemption or incentive. | |
GRI 202 Market presence 2016 | ||||
202-1 | 30 | Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage | Human CapitalFor all legal purposes, the minimum wage in the company is determined based on wage tables starting from the general minimum wage, and adding 50%. | |
GRI 203 Indirect Economic Impacts 2016 | ||||
203-1 | 68 | Infrastructure investments and services supported | Social Capital | |
203-2 | 42 | Significant indirect economic impacts, including the extent of impacts | Technology and Infrastructure Capital | |
GRI 204 Procurement Practices 2016 | ||||
204-1 | 65 | Proportion spent on local suppliers | Social Capital | |
GRI 205 Anti-Corruption 2016 | ||||
205-1 | - | Operations assessed for risks related to corruption | In fiscal year 2019, reports were received from 17 areas and companies regarding violations of the GFNorte Code of Conduct and laws and provisions regulating the operation of our business. | |
205-2 | - | Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures | 98% of personnel received training | |
205-3 | - | Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken | There were no instances of corruption reported in 2019 | |
GRI 207 Taxes 2019 | ||||
207-1 | 30 | Tax approach | Financial Capital | |
207-2 | 30 | Fiscal governance, control and risk management. | Financial Capital | |
207-3 | 30 | Shareholder engagement and management of tax-related concerns | Financial Capital | |
GRI 300: Environmental standards | ||||
GRI 301 Materials 2016 | ||||
301-1 | 88 | Materials used by weight or volume | Natural Capital | |
GRI 302 Energy 2016 | ||||
302-1 | 86 | Energy consumption within the organization | Natural Capital | |
302-3 | 86 | Energy intensity | Natural Capital | |
302-4 | 86 | Reduction of energy consumption | Natural Capital | |
302-5 | 86 | Reductions in energy requirements of products and services | Natural Capital | |
GRI 303 Water 2016 | ||||
303-1 | 89 | Water extraction by source | Natural Capital | |
GRI 304 Biodiversity 2016 | ||||
304-1 | 89 | Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas | Natural Capital | |
304-4 | 89 | IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations | Natural Capital | |
GRI 305 Emissions 2016 | ||||
305-1 | 87 | Direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1) | Natural Capital | |
305-2 | 87 | Energy indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 2) | Natural Capital | |
305-3 | 87 | Other indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 3) | Natural Capital | |
305-4 | 87 | GHG emissions intensity | Natural Capital | |
305-5 | 87 | Reduction of GHG emissions | Natural Capital | |
305-6 | 87 | Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) | Natural Capital | |
GRI 306 Effluents and waste 2016 | ||||
306-2 | 88 | Waste by type and disposal method | Natural Capital | |
GRI 307 Environmental Compliance 2016 | ||||
307-1 | - | Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations | GFNorte received no environmental fines in 2019 | |
GRI 308 Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016 | ||||
308-1 | - | New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria | We have no investment agreements. We have contracts with 519 suppliers who have stated their acknowledgement of and commitment to the Global Compact Principles (without necessarily having signed them). | |
GRI 400: Social Standards | ||||
GRI 401 Employment 2018 | ||||
401-1 | 48 | New employee hires and employee turnover | Human Capital | |
401-2 | 50 | Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees | Human Capital | |
401-3 | 51 | Parental Leave | Human Capital | |
GRI 403 Occupational Health and Safety 2016 | ||||
403-1 | - | Representation of workers in formal health and safety committees | Employee safety and health is very important to GFNorte. Accordingly, we have developed the following Policies and Practices, which formalize and provide a basis for the actions and processes that guarantee this objective.Internal Legal Framework and Current Policies:
403-2 | - | Types of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work-related fatalities |
403-3 | 51 | Workers with high incidence or high risk of diseases related to their occupation | Human Capital | |
GRI 404 Training and teaching 2016 | ||||
404-1 | 46 | Average hours of training per year per employee | Human Capital | |
404-2 | 46 | Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs | Human Capital | |
404-3 | 46 | Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews | Human Capital | |
GRI 405 Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016 | ||||
405-1 | 9, 46 | Diversity of governance bodies and employees | Banorte at a Glance, Human CapitalFor more about our Code of Conduct, visit: | |
405-2 | 50 | Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men | Human Capital | |
GRI 406 Non-discrimination 2016 | ||||
406-1 | - | Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken | In 2019, 74 cases were registered, and 23% were analyzed and determined to involve issues that warranted actions such as reprimands, relocations or firings. The 77% of cases that were not analyzed did not contain enough information to conduct the investigation. | |
GRI 410 Security Practices 2016 | ||||
410-1 | - | Security employee training on human rights policies or procedures | During the year 82% of our Security Personnel received training in Human Rights | |
GRI 411 Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2016 | ||||
411-1 | - | Incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous peoples | No complaints of this type were registered in 2019 | |
GRI 412 Human Rights Assessment 2016 | ||||
412-2 | - | Employee training on human rights policies or procedures | During the year we gave courses on Internal Labor Regulations, Quick Guide to Internal Compliance and Code of Conduct, to train all new hires in Human Rights issues. On average, three hours of training. | |
412-3 | - | Significant investment agreements and contracts that include human rights clauses or that underwent human rights screening | We have no investment agreements that are subject to human rights evaluation criteria. As for our value chain, we have contracts with 519 suppliers who have stated their acknowledgement of and commitment to the Global Compact Principles (without necessarily having signed them). | |
GRI 413 Local Communities 2016 | ||||
413-1 | 7, 65 | Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs | Banorte at a Glance, Social Capital | |
413-2 | - | Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities | No complaints of this type were registered in 2019 | |
GRI 414 Supplier Social Assessment 2016 | ||||
414-1 | 65 | New suppliers that were screened using social criteria | Social Capital | |
GRI 416 Customer Health Safety 2016 | ||||
416-1 | 20 | Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories | Strategy and Business Model | |
GRI 417 Marketing and Labeling 2016 | ||||
417-1 | - | Requirements for product and service information and labeling | Grupo Financiero Banorte, S.A.B. de C.V. and its financial entities, a financial services provider, protects the personal data of its customers in compliance with Mexico’s Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals for the purpose of safeguard the integrity, privacy and protection of their personal data. For more information see, in Spanish: | |
417-2 | - | Incidents of non-compliance concerning product and service information and labeling | During the year, 156 cases were recorded for a total of Ps 33 million in fines or municipal penalties for updating properties awarded to the Bank. Fines were levied by IMSS, INFONAVIT, CNBV, CONDUSEF, IPAB and Banco de México; they have all been paid. | |
417-3 | - | Incidents of non-compliance concerning marketing communications | In 2019, GFNorte did not receive any fines regarding marketing, advertising, promotion or sponsorship issues. | |
GRI 418 Customer Privacy 2016 | ||||
418-1 | - | Substantiated complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data | No complaints of this type were registered in 2019 | |
GRI 419 Socioeconomic Compliance 2016 | ||||
419-1 | - | Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic area | During the year, 156 cases were recorded for a total of Ps 33 million in fines or municipal penalties for updating properties awarded to the Bank. Fines were levied by IMSS, INFONAVIT, CNBV, CONDUSEF, IPAB and Banco de México; they have all been paid. | |
FS-1 | - | Policies with specific environmental and social components applied to business lines | See our policies: | |
FS-2 | 7 | Procedures for the evaluation and selection of environmental and social risks in lines of business | Banorte at a Glance | |
FS-3 | 7 | Processes to monitor implementation and compliance with environmental and social requirements included in agreements or transactions with customers | Banorte at a Glance | |
FS4 | 7 | Processes to improve personnel competence in implementing environmental and social policies and procedures applicable to lines of business | Banorte at a GlanceGrupo Financiero Banorte has a Sustainability and Responsible Investment area. with an experienced staff responsible for training teams distributed across the territories in which we operate, and whose activities are related to the lending. For more information, visit: | |
FS5 | 7 | Interactions with customers in terms of environmental and social opportunities and risks | Banorte at a Glance | |
FS8 | 72 | Monetary value of products and services designed to deliver a specific environmental benefit for each business line broken down by purpose | Sustainability | |
FS-10 | 7 | Percentage and number of companies in the institution’s portfolio with which interactions on environmental or social issues have been carried out | Banorte at a Glance | |
FS-11 | 7 | Percentage of assets subject to social or environmental review, positive as well as negative | Banorte at a Glance | |
FS-13 | 42 | Points of access in scarcely populated or economically disadvantaged areas described by type | Technology and Infrastructure Capital | |
FS-14 | 42 | Initiatives to improve access to financial services for the disadvantaged | Technology and Infrastructure Capital | |
FS-15 | - | Policies for the design and sale of financial products and services in a fair and reasonable manner | GFNorte has a policy on Evaluation and Approval of Initiatives and Projects for New Products and Services | |
FS-16 | 64 | Initiatives to improve financial literacy and education by type of beneficiary | Social Capital |