
Banorte is a member of the founding group of the UN Principles for Responsible Banking; we are the only Mexican bank involved in the process of formulating these principles over an 18th-month period. This embodies our commitment to aligning Banorte operations and services with the Sustainable Development Goals.

CEMEFI granted Grupo Financiero Banorte its Socially Responsible Enterprise distinction for the ninth year in a row, and Seguros y Pensiones Banorte for the fifth year in a row. This distinction recognizes our commitment to the community, the environment and to employees, as part of our culture and business strategy.

We are part of the FTSE4Good Global Sustainability Index in recognition of our environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices.

Reforestamos México presented us with an award thanking us for our fourth participation in this nationwide reforestation effort. More than 650 Banorte volunteers took part in an effort to reforest seven hectares of woodlands.

Doubly recognized as the best Mexican bank, by Global Finance Magazine and by Latin Finance magazine, both of them widely recognized publications in the financial world.

Global Finance named Banorte Best Foreign Trade Bank in Mexico. This is the first time a bank managed by a Mexican team has earned this recognition.

Fitch Ratings gave Operadora de Fondos Banorte, our fund manager, a rating of EXCELLENT (MEX) with a Stable Outlook.

Afore XXI Banorte was the first retirement fund manager in Mexico to adopt the CFA Institute’s Asset Manager Code of Professional Conduct, an international benchmark for high ethical standards in investment.

Banorte Casa de Bolsa was the first Mexican institution to enter the new MILA agreement mechanism between Indeval and Chilean DCV. The first transaction took place successfully in February.

The digital platform of UniTeller, Banorte’s remittance division, was recognized by the RemTech awards in the category of best Payments Platform as a Service (PPS).

Banorte was recognized by Medallia as one of the leading companies in customer experience transformation.

Biometric verification is a reality at Banorte. This innovation benefits all of our more than 12 million customers.

We have the first fully digital, paperless process for credit card origination via mobile banking.

We are a SWIFT GPI (Global Payment Innovation)
certified bank.