At Grupo Financiero Banorte, we our concept of sustainability is maximizing profitability and growth of the institution, and ensuring a balanced development between the economic, social and environmental aspects inherent in our operation at all times.
Corporate Social Responsibility Management
At GFNorte, we work to ensure that each transaction, product and service generates value for all stakeholders.
The Executive Management of Social Responsibility is in charge of reporting directly to the Presidency of the Board of Directors, the issues of greatest relevance in the area. Additionally, in 2014, the Sustainability Work Group was created, responsible for following-up on initiatives from the corresponding strategies. The General Managements of Operations, Administration and Finance, Legal, Risk, Investor Relations and Communication all participate. One of the most significant achievements in the year was to have been chosen as a leader in sustainability on the global level, to be included in Dow Jones’ Sustainability Index for Emerging Markets (DJSI), a recognition that distinguishes GFNorte as a profitable company that includes strict sustainability criteria in their management.
Also, for the fourth consecutive year, GFNorte forms part of the Sustainable Index sample of the Bolsa Mexicana de Valores.
Sustainability Trajectory
For several years the concept of sustainability as a whole integrated business, has been gaining greater relevance in Banorte. The following timeline graphically illustrates our evolution in this area, demonstrated through the commitments that we have gradually established with various initiatives and economic, social and environmental principles.

One of the most important aspects of sustainability is to understand our stakeholders’ concerns and respond to them through actions and services.
With the aim of identifying those issues of the greatest importance, in 2013 Grupo Financiero Banorte with the support of an external consulting firm, conducted a study of materiality, which will be repeated every 3 years.
Based on a diagnosis of the economic, social and environmental aspects, we were able to identify the organization’s state based on policies and procedures, specific business risks and the perception of stakeholders.
The following graph was generated based on the following criteria:
- Significance, in Grupo Financiero Banorte, is understood as the level of service and management (prioritization) that relevant aspects have in our group.
- Significance for stakeholders, starting from the level of attention paid to relevant aspects of published information analyzed by stakeholders.
Beginning with the subjects located in the upper right quadrant, we will proceed to report each of the dimensions in relation to economic, social or environmental value for our stakeholders.
Each year we will follow-up on aspects that were determined as important, with the support of our stakeholders.