Galaz, Yamazaki, Ruiz Urquiza, S.C.
Paseo de la Reforma 489, piso 6
Colonia Cuauhtémoc
06500 México, D.F.
Tel: + 52 (55) 5080 6000
Fax: + 52 (55) 5080 6001
The elaboration of the Annual Report 2014 (AR), as well as its content is responsibility of GFNorte, who is also responsible for defining, adapting and maintaining the management systems and internal control from which information is obtained. Our responsibility is to issue an independent report based on the procedures applied during our review.
This report has been prepared exclusively for the management of GFNorte in accordance with the terms of our agreement letter dated December 10th, 2014 and is not intended to be nor should it be used by someone other than this.
The scope of our assurance was limited, and is substantially lower than a reasonable assurance work. Therefore, the security provided is also lower. This report in no case can be understood as an audit report.
We conducted our review of the AR under the following conditions and / or criteria:
Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and its member firms.
We have performed our work in accordance with the International Auditing Standard ISAE 3000 Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) of IFAC.
Our review work included the formulation of questions to the management as well as various areas of GFNorte that have participated in the elaboration of the AR and the application of certain analytical and sample screening tests that are described below:
The following table details the performance indicators on sustainability reviewed according to the GRI Guidelines version 4:
G4-1 | G4-15 | G4-29 | G4-43 | G4-57 | G4-EN15 | G4-LA3 | G4-HR10 | FS1 |
G4-2 | G4-16 | G4-30 | G4-44 | G4-58 | G4-EN16 | G4-LA5 | G4-HR12 | FS2 |
G4-3 | G4-17 | G4-31 | G4-45 | G4-EC1 | G4-EN17 | G4-LA6 | G4-SO1 | FS3 |
G4-4 | G4-18 | G4-32 | G4-46 | G4-EC3 | G4-EN18 | G4-LA9 | G4-SO3 | FS4 |
G4-5 | G4-19 | G4-33 | G4-47 | G4-EC5 | G4-EN19 | G4-LA10 | G4-SO4 | FS5 |
G4-6 | G4-20 | G4-34 | G4-48 | G4-EC7 | G4-EN23 | G4-LA11 | G4-SO5 | FS8 |
G4-7 | G4-21 | G4-35 | G4-49 | DMA-EN | G4-EN27 | G4-LA12 | G4-SO7 | FS10 |
G4-8 | G4-22 | G4-36 | G4-50 | G4-EN1 | G4-EN29 | G4-LA13 | G4-SO8 | FS11 |
G4-9 | G4-23 | G4-37 | G4-51 | G4-EN3 | G4-EN30 | G4-LA14 | G4-SO9 | FS13 |
G4-10 | G4-24 | G4-38 | G4-52 | G4-EN5 | G4-EN31 | G4-LA16 | G4-SO11 | FS14 |
G4-11 | G4-25 | G4-39 | G4-53 | G4-EN6 | G4-EN32 | G4-HR1 | G4-PR5 | FS15 |
G4-12 | G4-26 | G4-40 | G4-54 | G4-EN8 | G4-EN34 | G4-HR2 | G4-PR7 | FS16 |
G4-13 | G4-27 | G4-41 | G4-55 | G4-EN11 | G4-LA1 | G4-HR3 | G4-PR8 | |
G4-14 | G4-28 | G4-42 | G4-56 | G4-EN14 | G4-LA2 | G4-HR7 | G4-PR9 |
Based on the work performed and described in this report, nothing comes to our attention that could make us believe that the AR contains significant errors or has not been prepared in accordance with the Core Option established in the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines G4.
Additionally we present our recommendations for strengthening future Annual Reports, which do not modify the conclusions expressed in this report:
We have submitted a detailed report of recommendations to the Executive Social Responsibility Officer of GFNorte concerning areas of improvement in the sustainability strategy (specifically for the verified indicators) and the reporting process.
Galaz, Yamazaki, Ruiz Urquiza, S.C.
Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
Rocio Canal Garrido
Sustainability Partner
May 19th, 2015