
Operations and services committed to the responsible use of resources
Capìtal Natural Banorte

At Grupo Financiero Banorte, we are aware that natural capital is also an important source of resources for our daily operations. That is why that we continually promote behavior for the efficient use and mitigation of its main impacts.

Products and services with a positive environmental footprint

This year we have devoted ourselves to the task of carrying out a detailed analysis of our environmental footprint. Our main environmental impacts and the mitigation actions implemented are:

Consumption of electricity and fossil fuels Implementation of the Integrated Power Control System (SICE) together with promoting environmental awareness and the implementation of a monitoring system for gasoline consumption in utility vehicles. The calculated goal is based on the reduction in intensity of total emissions per employee. In 2014 we achieved the objective to reduce this indicator by 20% with respect to the base year, 2009. At the end of 2014 a new goal was set for 2020 of reducing the intensity of emissions per employee an additional 10%.
Paper consumption Implementation of the Paperless program in Banorte and campaigns to promote the responsible use of paper and recycling. In 2014 a 36% reduction in paper consumption was achieved in the areas of staff participants.* For 2020, a gradual goal was set to reduce paper consumption per employee by 15% with respect to 2014.
Waste management Follow-up on the campagin for the delivery, reuse and proper disposal of physical tokens returned by customers. Promotion of Banorte Móvil and celular token to substitute the physical token. Encourage clients and company personnel change from the physical token to the celular phone through communication campaigns detailing the benefits afforded by this mode.

In 2015, a goal was set to reuse and recycle tokens based on expirations of each year.
Water consumption Annual estimate of 99% of GFNorte’s water consumption. Implement a short-term methodology which quantifies GFNorte’s actual water consumption to determine what the higher consumption areas and seasons are in order to measure the impact of our operations on this natural resource.

The objective of reducing water consumption to be met by 2020 will be established in 2015.
  • * Compared to the base years corresponding to each area for the period of 2010-2013.

At GFNorte we also take challenges climate change presents seriously, so, in addition to the steps taken for the efficient use of resources, an inventory and monitoring of our greenhouse gas emissions was carried out through the following initiatives.

GEI México

We are the first financial group to obtain the GEI2 recognition from the GEI Mexico Program, of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat) which also seeks to develop capacities for evaluating, accounting and reporting of GHG emissions in participating companies. As of 2015, we will adhere to the GEI Mexico Program’s new guidelines. For the first time, we will report in the national registry of emissions in accordance to the Climatic Change General Law, which functions as SEMARNAT’s monitoring instrument.


For the second consecutive year, we form part of the Climate Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI) for Latin America, standing out in a leadership role for the thoroughness and quality of climate change information that we report to investors and global markets through the CDP.

As from the end of 2014, Banorte has adhered to three initiatives of CDP’s Road to Paris project, in preparation for the UN Climate Change Conference to be held December 15th, 2015 in Paris.

Just as we have described the importance of the rational use of natural capital in our operations, we also know the significance of being one of the leading players in the financial sector and the responsibility represented in financing more diverse projects with their inherent social and environmental risks.

Social and Environmental Risk Management

As of March 2012, we have been adhering to the Equator Principles, which has allowed us a framework to identify risks, analysis and socio-environmental management of investment project transactions exceeding $10 million dollars.

Our Social and Environmental Management System (SEMS) has been in operation now for 2 years since the end of 2012, and has been a valuable tool to identify, manage, assess, prevent, mitigate and compensate risks associated with Banorte’s loan portfolio.

Performance results of these 2 important social and environmental risk management tools can be found in the Economic Value section.

Declaration of Natural Capital

GFNorte has been an active participant in supporting this declaration in the financial sector - in accordance with the commitment made at the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development - which focused on working towards the integration of natural capital considerations into financial products and services in this century. GFNorte leads one of this initiative’s working groups.



ANNUAL REPORT 2014 - Natura Capital

ANNUAL REPORT 2014 - Natura Capital

ANNUAL REPORT 2014 - Natura Capital

At Grupo Financiero Banorte, we are aware that natural capital is also an important source of resources for our daily operations. That is why that we continually promote behavior for the efficient use and mitigation of its main impacts.