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Servirle es nuestra prioridad. Por ello nos ponemos a su disposición en nuestras líneas de atención:

  • Ciudad de México: (55) 5140-5600
  • Monterrey: (81) 8156-9600
  • Guadalajara: (33) 3669-9000
  • Resto del País: 01-800-BANORTE (226-6783)
Línea Directa:
  • Ciudad de México: (55) 5140-5640
  • Monterrey: (81) 8156-9640
  • Guadalajara: (33) 3669-9040
  • Resto del País: 01-800-DIRECTA (347-3282)



Our policies

Sustainability is made up of environmental and social issues and the quality of our services.

Environmental Policy

In 2009 the first environmental policy was integrated into the operation of the bank to support the principles of sustainable development, social responsibility and environmental protection.

Just recently, in 2014, new considerations were introduced into Grupo Financiero Banorte’s Environmental Policy to support our commitments to environmental initiatives with our stakeholders, which has been approved and backed by the areas involved and by the Sustainability Work Table.

For this reason, the Environmental Policy has been restructured to align with ISO 14000 standards and aspires to meet all the long-term requirements through a review of the following topics:

  • Management of environmental risks and impacts
  • Carbon footprint monitoring
  • Waste management
  • Environmental criteria in purchasing processes
  • Collaboration with stakeholders
  • Promotion and adoption of eco-efficient practices
  • Commitment to national and international initiatives

Social Policy

We are firmly committed to supporting the community, considering it fundamental to raise awareness about sustainable development and to improve the quality of life of our stakeholders.

For this reason it was decided to include a social policy as part of the established corporate regulations to act ethically, equitable and impartially in all circumstances, so it is trustworthy for everyone involved with Grupo Financiero Banorte and its operations, thereby improving the performance and positioning the company as an institution committed to the country.

This policy is based on the internal and external commitments we have with our society.